A framework for flourishing
in life and ministry
We long to see fully formed disciples of Jesus who are committed to redemptive participation; to joining God in the neighbourhood.
Learn more about a Trellis Approach
to life and ministry.
One Conference has a vision to see Atlantic Canadian Youth come together to worship ONE God, under ONE Banner! This year, ONE will be a virtual event.
Watch our social media for important dates, leaeder resources, and more!
Leaning In
In our current blog series, Laura and I are taking time to suggest a series of practices that will...
The God Who Wanders
As leaders, we have incredible opportunity in the midst of the pandemic to lead differently. We...
What Does This Mean For Parents?
Many of the big questions in this season relate to the actions of God. “Where is God?” “What...
Are we equipping kids and youth to engage the world?
As followers of Jesus we are in the world, but not of the world (John 17:14-18)We are a part of...
Millennials value authenticity. So what?
I have heard for a while now that millennials (born 1980-2000) highly value authenticity,...
8 reasons you should get your kids & youth involved with camp
I grew up going to camp, camping with my family and then working at camps. When I think back to...