BLOG Archive
Talking to Students About World Events: A Biblical Approach
With world events dominating the headlines, a stranger and I got talking about global unrest....
“We’re a family”
It’s disheartening to see disparaging images like the one attached to this post, which seem...
How are you talking about evangelism
Over the last few months, I've had some conversations with youth pastors around evangelism. How do...
How Will We Join God?
For over a decade, I’ve been telling my children stories about a “purple puppy named Nothing.” It...
What do we see?
One of my favourite places in Saint John is the City Market, the oldest continually-operated...
Camp is a place of stories.
Last week, my family spent the week at Camp Tulakadik where I was the camp pastor. Like many...
How Are We?
In the recent podcast series, The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill, the pastor who caused the abuse and...
Who’s With Me?
Introduction: When my son was in kindergarten, our family moved to our current community. I...
Where do I fit?
As my children have moved through the upper elementary years, they’ve begun taking part in our...