How to Talk to our Kids about Sex

I still remember sitting on our old brown couch in the basement, my parents sitting right beside me as we were watching “Degrassi Junior High” (Yes, that dates me) – a couple on the screen was making out and talking about sex. All my parents did was glace over...

What makes an adult? Markers of adulthood

What makes someone an adult? Are you an adult? If so, when did you magically cross the line to adulthood? Do you have moments of #adulting and moments of #stillakid?My sister and I, maybe because I particularly didn’t follow the traditional path to adulthood, have had...

Plesionology – a theology of place

Help me out with some pondering I’ve been doing on the theology of place, that is the godly importance of investing in one place.See – I tend to be a bit of an adventurer and something in me struggles to stay in, or invest in, any one place for a particularly...