by Renee Embree | Jul 2, 2015 | Uncategorized
A lot of groups are headed out on short term mission experiences locally or globally this summer.When these trips are done well I believe they can be significant in moving people towards missional living. These experiences can become more than a great trip and more... by Renee Embree | Jun 25, 2015 | Uncategorized
We’ve been using one question to challenge leaders, youth groups, camps and churches.That question is: will you join God in changing Atlantic Canada one neighbourhood at a time? If you don’t live in Atlantic Canada, it still works – how are you joining God in changing... by Renee Embree | Jun 18, 2015 | Uncategorized
It hit me one fall. My metabolism was slowing down! Being involved in youth work I’d been tempted to think I could still eat like the youth and not think twice. However I discovered I could no longer pull an all-nighter, eat junk with the youth and then be back to... by Renee Embree | May 21, 2015 | Uncategorized
As we are being transformed by the Gospel it overflows from us to our world.Often the world needs to see we care before they will begin to believe God cares. Often the world needs to see our goodness, before they will believe God is good. Often the world needs to see... by Renee Embree | Apr 30, 2015 | Uncategorized
Sometimes I think we assume evangelism, sharing the good news and invitation of God, is taking place in our next generation ministries (children, youth, young adult and family ministries) without really taking a careful look at if it is really happening. Are people... by baptist | Apr 24, 2015 | Uncategorized
In Colossians 1:6 the apostle Paul writes that “the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world…” (NIV). I have just returned home from a couple of days of connecting with youth and children’s leaders and am more convinced than ever that this is...