As we are being transformed by the Gospel it overflows from us to our world.Often the world needs to see we care before they will begin to believe God cares.
Often the world needs to see our goodness, before they will believe God is good.
Often the world needs to see we’re not just out for our self-interests but for the interest of others and the community, before they can recognize a God who is interested in them.
Christians are invited to participate in God’s redemptive work in the world – righting wrongs, healing, restoring, bringing hope, caring for creation etc.
In addition, we participate in God’s redemptive invitation, by being God’s messengers inviting others into God’s redemptive story with words and actions.
It seems to me as if, in many ways, we’ve abandoned or learned to keep our faith separate from our schools. May God give us redemptive, creative ways to be His presence in schools again and may it lead to many redemptive conversations! I know some of you are doing wonderful thing to be the presence of Christ in word and deed in your schools – I’d love to hear these stories! Comment below or send us a message.
Here are some ideas on how to join God’s good redemptive activity in the ordinariness of everyday at your school (if you are a student) or at the school in your neighbourhood (if you are not a student):
1. Bring a great snack for the teachers’ lounge with a thank you note
2. Pray every day for your school
3. Join a team (or coach a team)
4. Join a club (or lead a club)
5. Invite new people to eat lunch with you (exchange students, new to the school…)
6. Join the anti-bullying campaign and help it be a success
7. Start a free breakfast or lunch program (or get involved with an existing one)
8. Start a food bank at the school
9. Start a clothing bank at the school
10. Set-up a prayer station or box at the school and faithfully pray for peoples’ requests
11. On a hot day ask if you can give out popsicles at break-time. On a cold day ask if you can give out hot chocolate during recess.
12. Find out what the school really needs (e.g. badminton rackets, flip chart, smart board…) and be a part of the solution to getting those items for the school
13. Slow down and talk to people at the school, find out how they are really doing and what it’s like for them at school
14. Randomly pay for person lunch behind you in cafeteria line
15. Offer to organize/lead a talent show, sports day, or multicultural day for the school
16. Clean-up the school grounds
17. Build relationships with the teachers and administrative staff by taking the time to ask them about their day and their role
18. Join the gay-straight alliance in the school. Whatever your Biblical view of LGBTQ, we can say it is wrong for anyone to be bullied or mistreated. All of humanity is God’s creation, and no one should be mistreated, regardless if I agree or disagree with their current life situation or lifestyle.
19. Offer free tutoring
20. Start a lunch time club for those that want to know they are not alone as a Christian in the school
21. Talk about what you are thankful for and talk about the good in the world to those you hang-out with at school
22. Respond to what’s going on in the world (e.g. earthquake in Nepal) and give others at the school an opportunity to join you
23. Offer to wash the walls at the school
24. Offer to do gardening at the school
25. Give away free coffee to parents and bus drivers dropping off kids one day (with permission)
As are a blessing in your school or to the school in your community I trust God will open doors for you to share about your faith and journey together with people towards God.
Please add your ideas to this list!
-Renée @r_embree