It is Finished

This Easter weekend as I have been preparing for our Good Friday worship time I have spent a considerable amount of time reflecting on these three words of Jesus that were spoken from the cross just before he gave up his spirit and died (John 19:30). Personally, I...

Change begins with one step

Change begins with one step. I know it’s a bit of a cliché, but I’ve been thinking how powerful the first step can be, especially when taken by a leader. I was reminded of this again reading in John 5 this week. Jesus met a disabled man who had been waiting by a pool,...

Four Lessons from a Double Snow Day

If you know me at all it is no secret that winter is my least favourite time of the year. To say that I am not a fan of the cold or the white stuff is putting it lightly. As the weather gets colder I find myself on travel websites dreaming of palm trees and sandy...

8 Things Churches Can Do To Include Singles

Last week I wrote a blog sharing four reasons churches should pay attention to singles. This week I’ll share 8 things churches can do to include singles. Next week I’ll share 7 things singles can do to build bridges with the church – this will give you...