by Renee Embree | Jun 12, 2015 | Next Generation
1. Do something different – break out of your usual ministry routine and try some different schedules, rhythms and ministries. Could your crew do outings together, service & mission projects together or hold a neighbourhood party together? Could service or youth... by Renee Embree | Jun 8, 2015 | Leadership Development
I tend to be a skeptic when it comes to ministry trips. Most of it stems from being frugal and having a hard time justifying the money it takes to travel and wondering if that money could be better spent in other ways to serve God’s Kingdom. I love to travel, but am... by Renee Embree | May 21, 2015 | Uncategorized
As we are being transformed by the Gospel it overflows from us to our world.Often the world needs to see we care before they will begin to believe God cares. Often the world needs to see our goodness, before they will believe God is good. Often the world needs to see... by Renee Embree | May 14, 2015 | Next Generation
Our biggest job in ministry is to cultivate environments that are favourable for people to engage in transformation with God. We can never force transformation or force growth. We cannot make something or someone grow. However there are sure a tonne of things we can... by Renee Embree | May 7, 2015 | Next Generation
These are great conversation starters on road-trips (like to Springforth this weekend! See you there if you’re coming!), around the snack or dinner table, while waiting, in small groups…With this list I have in mind generation Y (born between about 1980...