
1. Do something different – break out of your usual ministry routine and try some different schedules, rhythms and ministries. Could your crew do outings together, service & mission projects together or hold a neighbourhood party together? Could service or youth group happen at different times, locations or with different groups? Go to camp! Could you crew go on a retreat together? Could we move things outside and find intentional ways to get to know our neighbours? What could we do to connect with and serve our community in the summer?
2. Involve different people – give your regular volunteers and leaders a break. Try some new people in leadership for the summer youth ministry, kids’ ministry, seniors ministry… Share the pulpit and try some new people leading and sharing from the front. Invite new leaders on the youth outing with you.

3. Experiment – the summer can be a great time to experiment with some new things you want to try in ministry. Been thinking about finding a way to use twitter in the service? Try it in the summer. Been thinking of trying a new style of service? Try it in the summer. Been thinking of seeing if a certain group would be open to meeting regularly during the year? Gather them for a summer BBQ and chat. Try adding drama, video or something else to your usual program. Approach and serve communion in a fresh way. What experiment can you try this summer?

4. Build relationships – the summer is a great time to focus on building relationships with the kids, students and adults around you. Everyone tends to seem a little more relaxed in the summer and is a little more willing to grab an ice cream or a walk. Who (individuals or groups) do you need to get to know better this summer?

5. Take a break – make sure you get time in the summer for rest and refreshment. We lead out of our own souls and relationship with God. Lean into that relationship. Make sure that by the end of the summer you are more refreshed and ready for ministry than you were at the beginning of the summer.

What are your ideas on how to make summer ministry great?

-Renée @r_embree