Talk About Tough Topics

Talk To A Middle Schooler


Partnering with parents

Hannah Bartlett
Tools and Tips for building partnerships with parents in Kids ministry, during the pandemic.

What do we see?

One of my favourite places in Saint John is the City Market, the oldest continually-operated market in Canada. It’s a great spot to grab food, and its interior resembles an inverted ship’s keel.  Although the current building was completed in 1876, the market itself...

How Are We?

In the recent podcast series, The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill, the pastor who caused the abuse and turmoil was recorded saying, “There is a pile of dead bodies behind the Mars Hill bus, and by God's grace, it'll be a mountain by the time we're...

Where do I fit?

As my children have moved through the upper elementary years, they’ve begun taking part in our regional Heritage Fair projects.  These projects have been fascinating studies into some of the cultural background of our family.  From projects looking at the...

Whose am I?

Our understanding of our participation with God, and even of the other elements that speak into our identity, are informed by how we answer “Whose am I?”

The Trellis: Identity and Participation

Introduction:   One of my favourite stories to speak on is John 9 – that story when Jesus heals a man who had been born blind. I recently reflected on this passage again with some students, and we noted the humour in...

Introducing, The Trellis

Courtesy. Integrity. Perseverance. Self-Control. Indomitable Spirit.   These are the five tenets of Taekwondo, and for the last four years my oldest children and I have been seeing these lived out through the effort and guidance of our coach. For four years,...

The Art of Listening

Listening to Students  In a recent conversation, I learned of a community organization that is looking to increase their youth representation.  As an organization that operates on behalf of youth and children, they were recognizing the value of...

To Be a Salty People (Part 1) – Leading from Hope   

Last week on the blog, we took time to practice Lament. We took time to acknowledge the reality of this moment; both the negative experiences of loss and disruption, as well as the positive experiences in life and ministry that give way to...

Lamenting: A Practise in Accepting Reality and Letting Go

This has been another challenging fall, as we’ve seen our plans shift again!  With new restrictions and guidelines imposed, it’s hard to stay caught up and on top of what we need to know.  This is disappointing and discouraging, and many of us have had to...

Rebuilding Ministries Culture of Service

One of my favourite activities to do with my kids is pitting together new Lego sets, and making new creations from blocks. Recently, as we assembled a larger set, I was reflecting on the earlier steps in the instructions. I noted how the initial steps, although they...

Why Virtual Kids Min Still Matters

Laura O’Roak
It can feel like we’re just spinning our wheels as the pandemic drags on. But here’s why Virtual Kids Min still makes an impact!

Creativity, It's easier than you think!

Dan Bursey
How to tap into your creativity in Kids Ministry.


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