ONE Conference Frequently Asked Questions

We’re hoping you have heard the BIG news!!! At Springforth 2017 we announced that for 2018 Springforth is combining with an event called Rally in the Valley (a Wesleyan event) to make ONE big event, called the ONE conference, where together we’ll worship our ONE God,...

Understanding Generation Z (7 to 21-year-olds)

I have some catching up to do. I’m guessing you and your church do too. What do you know about the youngest generation, Generation Z?I had a bit of an existential crisis on a recent ministry course when I realized a number of the students were born the year I...

Youth Culture Today (Prague Trip 2017)

We come to you today from the Czech Republic! 9 Canadian Acadia Divinity College students have joined with 9 students from across Europe to take a course on Youth Culture together from Jeff Carter (Canadian Baptist Ministries and European Baptist Federation)! We are...