by Renee Embree | Dec 18, 2017 | Uncategorized
I’ve been taking a break from this blog recently so that you and I can engage with the Imaginative Hope blogs as they are released. However, today I’m back on this blog to speak to a relevant issue that I know many of you are concerned about too. In recent days we had... by Renee Embree | Sep 14, 2017 | Uncategorized
Over the next few weeks, we’ll be doing something a little different on our oneneighbourhood blog. Today, with our Canadian Baptist Youth and Family partners across this country, we are launching Imaginative Hope is a report from... by Renee Embree | Sep 7, 2017 | Uncategorized
Here is another story from the road. I’m collecting stories of new things churches are doing to join God in their neighbourhood. #1neighbourhoodThis story challenges us to think about the passions and gifts that we have and how to use those gifts in significant ways... by Renee Embree | Aug 31, 2017 | Uncategorized
Here is another story from the road. I’m collecting stories of new things churches are doing to join God in their neighbourhood. #1neighbourhoodThe Grand Bay Baptist Church youth discipleship group, that meets on Sunday nights, was challenged to come up with ways that... by Renee Embree | Aug 24, 2017 | Uncategorized
Here is another story from the road. I’m collecting stories of new things churches are doing to join God in their neighbourhood. #1neighbourhoodHere is a story that forces us to take a fresh look at our facilities and ask how God might want to use our facilities to... by Renee Embree | Aug 3, 2017 | Uncategorized
We’re continuing the summer series on the blog about “Stories from the road.” Stories of how you and our CBAC churches are joining God in our neighbourhoods. At CBACyf we are loving hearing the stories of how you are connecting in new ways with neighbours and...