by baptist | May 13, 2016 | Next Generation
If you have been following any of our CABC Youth and Family social media you know that our biggest event of the year, Springforth, is happening this weekend… and I am jazzed. I’ve been part of the planning team for 8 years and every year it gets better. Here are 3... by Renee Embree | Mar 17, 2016 | Leadership Development, Next Generation
Myth 1 – Children/youth can’t lead their own small groups The truth is, children and youth can absolutely lead a group of their peers. Often peer lead groups build trust and meaningful discussion faster because the leader clearly understands the world of their peers.... by Renee Embree | Feb 18, 2016 | Next Generation
In the 1980’s and 1990’s a lot of churches hired Youth Pastors, often with pure and great motives, but also with underlying hopes that this Youth Pastor would be their “saviour” – growing the church, pleasing parents, and attracting a younger generation.I’m sad to see... by Renee Embree | Jan 14, 2016 | Next Generation
Today we have a guest post from a University student, Sara Appleby, who captured for us her impressions of visiting churches. Spoiler alert: sometimes the things we’re doing that we think are helpful are not that helpful!She’s got great advice for us as we welcome... by Renee Embree | Nov 26, 2015 | Next Generation
Imagine a drug that is free, private, easy to access, addictive and readily available to all ages in their home or in the palm of their hand.This drug is an epidemic, capturing people from all demographics and changing the course of their lives. Wouldn’t we want to do... by Renee Embree | Nov 5, 2015 | Next Generation
As I travel around Atlantic Canada I’ve been gathering a list of what churches that are growing have in common. Inevitably these churches are not just growing, but they are also growing younger as they engage children, youth, young adults and families. I have not been...