If you have been following any of our CABC Youth and Family social media you know that our biggest event of the year, Springforth, is happening this weekend… and I am jazzed. I’ve been part of the planning team for 8 years and every year it gets better. Here are 3 reasons why I love Springforth and why you should too.
1. It’s just fun.
Whoa Andrew! That doesn’t sound very spiritual! Cool your jets friend. Springforth at its core is to introduce youth to the love, grace and truth of Jesus Christ. But who said you can’t have fun while doing it? Deep meaningful relationships are key for youth to experience Christ and many times those relationships start around just having fun.
2. It’s a great “zoom out” button.
When I use my GPS I often use the “zoom out” button. I can get by with Siri giving me directions at the street level, but l enjoy seeing the entire route from point A to Point B because it gives me context. Springforth gives context. Many times we cant see and forget all that God is doing across Atlantic Canada. Springforth is a place where youth can see they are part of a larger narrative.
3. It has your neighbourhood in mind.
God is on a mission to bring all things under the rule and reign of Jesus, including your youth and the neighbourhoods they live in. Whether its through the amazing speakers, the powerful worship, the relationships that are built, or hearing hearing the gospel for the first time, we want Springforth to be a catalyst. Its a catalyst for youth and youth leaders to join God’s mission in changing Atlantic Canada one neighbourhood at a time.
I’m excited for Springforth but more excited to see our youth saturate Atlantic Canada with the gospel of Jesus Christ.