8 Things Churches Can Do To Include Singles

Last week I wrote a blog sharing four reasons churches should pay attention to singles. This week I’ll share 8 things churches can do to include singles. Next week I’ll share 7 things singles can do to build bridges with the church – this will give you...

4 Questions to Ask to get Great Feedback

4 questions to ask to get great, actually helpful, feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of great leaders. My phone is regularly giving me feedback – it tells me when its battery is getting low and it needs to be recharged, it tells me when programs and apps need...

A Call to Celebrate

How do you celebrate? How does your ministry team celebrate together? Your church? Your youth group? Your family? I’m not the best celebrator – I don’t like being the centre of attention, I’m quick to notice things that could be improved instead of things to be...

Want to be missional? Spot the needs

Want to be missional? First – I know it’s quite the buzz word, by it I simply mean living with a bent towards always being on mission for God, aiming to always overflow with God’s good news in word and deed. Living with this bent towards joining God in what He...