Neighbourhood Assessment Workbook (NAW)

Need some ways to reach deeper into your community during the COVID-19 pandemic and in general as churches and youth groups embrace meeting together online?

We are meeting weekly to learn together. If you missed a week you can find all of the information here!


Undercurrent is a BRAND NEW, locally-based mission event, that will be held July 8-11, 2021. Undercurrent is focused on empowering young people to lead and engage the entire congregation to join them in serving their neighbourhood. 



God is Still on Mission

Louise Hannem
How can we engage our kids in God’s global story, even in a pandemic? 


It has the potential to be an amazing win for your youth ministry, church and for the entire host community. Throughout the week students (middle school & high school students) will be challenged to practice and embrace being on mission with Jesus every day, everywhere. Students will experience gatherings, missional labs, neighbouring, serving, a massive food drive and more. The model for the event is simple - a visiting church partners with a host church for a life-changing week of making an impact.



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