by Renee Embree | Jun 16, 2016 | Uncategorized
My heart has been heavy lately.I have been feeling a deep heaviness for the trouble around us: -the hateful killings that took place on Sunday in Orlando -the cases of sexual assault where justice seems allusive -the confusion around what it means to welcome and care... by Renee Embree | Jun 9, 2016 | Uncategorized
I know I am who I am because of the prayers of others.I know I am where I am because of the prayers of others.One person, in particular, has been praying bold, tenacious prayers for me since they first met me about 19 years ago, before I was following Jesus. Rich led... by Renee Embree | Jun 2, 2016 | Uncategorized
How to shrink your church or ministry:1. Never change. 2. Keep to yourselves. Do not build any bridges to the community. 3. Make people fat on sermons/study and forget the vitamin A (application). 4. Never experiment, just stick to what you know. 5. Exist for... by Renee Embree | May 20, 2016 | Uncategorized
I’ve been travelling outside of Atlantic Canada this week. It has got me thinking about the joys and challenges of ministry in Atlantic Canada. We have a unique milieu for ministry here. Tell me – What do you see? 3 Joys of Ministry in Atlantic Canada: 1.... by Renee Embree | May 5, 2016 | Uncategorized
As we continue our hot topic series on the blog, I am pleased to have Lois Mitchell as our guest blogger today. Lois is the Director of Public Witness and Social Concerns at the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches and the Director of International Studies at St....