by laura bennett | Oct 12, 2021 | Joining God, Team Development
Last week on the blog, we took time to practice Lament. We took time to acknowledge the reality of this moment; both the negative experiences of loss and disruption, as well as the positive experiences in life and ministry that give way to... by Dan Pyke | Apr 9, 2021 | Leadership Development, Ministry Tools, Team Development, Uncategorized
One of my favourite activities to do with my kids is pitting together new Lego sets, and making new creations from blocks. Recently, as we assembled a larger set, I was reflecting on the earlier steps in the instructions. I noted how the initial steps, although they... by Dan Pyke | Mar 26, 2021 | Leadership Development, Ministry Tools, Team Development, Uncategorized
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been exploring Ephesians, and reflecting on it my quiet time. I’ve been reminded of the book’s value to the church in so many circumstances. As I consider youth ministry, I’ve been keeping in mind Paul’s reminder to “be completely humble...
by Dan Pyke | Nov 5, 2020 | Leadership Development, Team Development, Uncategorized
As the CBAC, we are committed to joining God in our neighbourhoods. An important practice in discerning our mission in our neighbourhoods is asking the question, “What can I learn from my neighbourhood?” and not assuming that we have all the answers. Our... by Dan Pyke | Aug 20, 2020 | Leadership Development, Next Generation, Team Development
As leaders, we have incredible opportunity in the midst of the pandemic to lead differently. We have been given the privilege to reimagine how we disciple children, youth, and families. Our patterns of worship can be shifted. It appears that many people in our... by Dan Pyke | Aug 5, 2020 | Leadership Development, Team Development, Uncategorized
Do you remember the story of Narcissus? Walking by a pond one day, Narcissus noticed his reflection. Captivated by the image, Narcissus remained by the water, immobilized. He longed to maintain the image, recognizing that touching the pond or leaving the pond pool...