by Dan Pyke | Aug 27, 2020 | Joining God, Parents and caregivers, Social Issues, Uncategorized
When people ask me my favourite book of the Bible, they’re often surprised when I answer “Leviticus.” At first glance, Leviticus seems like a long 27 chapters of rules that we don’t follow anymore. It can take significant digging to appreciate its beauty and the... by Dan Pyke | Jul 10, 2020 | Joining God, Leadership Development, Team Development, Uncategorized
Church life as we used to know it has radically shifted over the last few months. We have seen incredible and creative work done by churches in this season. But I also think that one of the opportunities for us in this season is to discover how we can... by Renee Embree | Jun 27, 2019 | Joining God, Ministry Tools, Uncategorized
Michael Beck sharing at the CBAC Fresh Expression Vision Days. A kindred spirit, he’s wearing socks! Hi! I’m new here so before I jump in, let me introduce myself! My name is Taylor Adams, I am the CBAC Summer Intern. I was blessed to have worked with CBAC a previous...