Cultivating Inter-generational Communities

This week we’ll talk about why it is so important to cultivate inter-generational communities. Next week I’ll give you a long list of ideas to cultivate more connections across the generations and I’ll be looking for your ideas too. First, think of your community…. 1....

How to talk about tough topics at youth group

Do it. Talk about the tough topics at youth group – as you stuff your faces with pizza, as you’re driving on the road trip, in your small groups, in your devos…Youth are hearing about these topics in other places. Lots of other places. If we are silent those are...

Change begins with one step

Change begins with one step. I know it’s a bit of a cliché, but I’ve been thinking how powerful the first step can be, especially when taken by a leader. I was reminded of this again reading in John 5 this week. Jesus met a disabled man who had been waiting by a pool,...

Why every leader needs a mentor

Mentors help us reach higher than we could on our own. I can have a strong independent streak. I know this about myself. I have to keep checking myself to make sure I’m allowing others to speak into my life, intentionally inviting others to help and engaging my team....