
there is no God!it is impossible to say that
God is with us.
There is hope in a babe,
that is wrong, the truth is
God has not come
“Light shines in the darkness”
that is foolish
There is only one King, me
no one says that
God reconciles sinners
I tell you this
“hope has come”
that is a lie, the truth is
there is no God,
no one believes
God has come to rescue us
God is dead
it is impossible that
God is Immanuel
the world would change
if God broke into our world.

{Now read from bottom to top}

This is my first attempt at one of these forward-backward poems.
It is challenging for a non-creative person.
I encourage you to find a way to express your hope in Jesus in a fresh way this week – enjoying creation, writing, doing a special act of service, pouring out your thoughts to God on a walk/run, creating something new, saying prayers together around the dinner table, leading your family/friends in reading or acting out the Christmas story, building something, privately giving an extra donation to a non-profit…
It doesn’t have to be perfect (just like my feeble attempt). It is an opportunity for you to express what you believe about Christmas and give thanks to God.

May your life be full of the hope of Christ.
May you see God breaking into your life, neighbourhood and world.
May we see God’s light shining where we study, live, work and play in 2016!

-Renée @r_embree