25 missional experiences everyone should have before they are 25 years old
*If you try any of these out let us know on twitter #1neighbourhood
By the time you are 5 years old:
1. Know the names and interests of your neighbours.
2. Choose 3 to 5 of your books to give away to someone.
3. Bake cookies (with adult help) to give to someone who could use a cheer up, visit with them and share the cookies.
4. Play with children from different cultures and try food from different cultures.
5. Visit a nursing home and give out hugs or homemade drawings.
By the time you are 10 years old
6. Go through your closet and give away clothing in good condition to someone that would like or use them.
7. On garbage day in your neighbourhood, pull everyones garbage cans/compost bins back to their houses.
8. Have a lemonade stand outside your house to get to know your neighbours, give the money you raise to a church or charity of your choice.
9. Participate in a food or clothing driving for a local food bank or shelter. Visit the food band or shelter and get to know a few folks.
10. Take a handful of quarters and a roll of tape and stick the quarters on gumball machines all over town. You will make a child’s day!
By the time you are 15 years old
11. Show intentional kindness to your school and teachers. E.g. When your school has a Parent-Teacher conference night, rally fellow students & families to provide a great meal for the staff to enjoy in their breaks. Serve and clean up!
12. Apologize to someone you treated poorly in middle school.
13. Experience being on mission for a week somewhere in your home region! More and more churches and camps are having Service Camps. Our favourite happens to be: www.tidalimpact.ca
14. Volunteer at a meal being served for the homeless or under-resourced – serve food, cleanup, visit with people.
15. Take extra school supplies with you to school and generously share them with your fellow students.
By the time you are 20 years old
16. Take an opportunity to explain your faith in Jesus to a friend at work, school or on a team.
17. Give a gift from the CBM Hopeful Gifts for Change Catalogue: https://secure2.convio.net/cbmin/site/SPageServer/?pagename=Gift_Catalogue_Home.html
18. Buy baby supplies (diapers, wipes, formula…) and take them to a Pregnancy Resource Centre. While you are there learn about the place, what they offer and who works there.
19. Find a need and meet it. Spot the needs on social media or around you – is someone sick? Take a meal. Someone have a flooded basement? Go & help and take a care package. Someone raking their leaves? Pick up a rake.
20. Experience an international mission trip (Opportunities can be found here http://cbmin.org/get-involved/short-term-mission/ or with the Springforth Team that will be put together to go to Kamp Tumaini in 2017!!!
By the time you are 25 years old
21. Cook a meal (or order pizza) for your neighbours and have them in.
22. Volunteer or contribute financially, regularly, somewhere locally (your community) and globally.
23. Sit with the dying.
24. Eat your lunch with others at your work or school and get to know their story. Bring a treat, now and then, to share during lunch.
25. Lead something missional. Rally your friends, a group of youth, a small group or a church around meeting a need in your community or world.
- If you are older than 25 (don’t worry, we won’t ask your age) it is never too late to go back and experience these things, and move towards making missional living a part of your everyday life and being.
Send us your ideas for tweaking this list and for new lists to come, by leaving comments on the blog or tweet @r_embree or #1neighbourhood. This list was created with the help of Andrew Glidden (@PastorWolf), Louise Knowles, Adrian Gardner (@AdrianDGardner) & Jacqueline Derrah.
*If you try any of these out let us know on twitter #1neighbourhood