by baptist | Mar 8, 2022 | Joining God, Leadership Development, Ministry Tools, Next Generation, Spiritual Formation, Team Development, Trellis
Introduction: One of my favourite stories to speak on is John 9 – that story when Jesus heals a man who had been born blind. I recently reflected on this passage again with some students, and we noted the humour in the story. Just imagine the scene – Jesus...
by baptist | Feb 28, 2022 | Joining God, Leadership Development, Ministry Tools, Next Generation, Spiritual Formation, Team Development
Courtesy. Integrity. Perseverance. Self-Control. Indomitable Spirit. These are the five tenets of Taekwondo, and for the last four years my oldest children and I have been seeing these lived out through the effort and guidance of our coach. For four years,... by laura bennett | Oct 28, 2021 | Leadership Development, Ministry Tools, Team Development
Listening to Students In a recent conversation, I learned of a community organization that is looking to increase their youth representation. As an organization that operates on behalf of youth and children, they were recognizing the value of... by laura bennett | Oct 19, 2021 | Leadership Development, Next Generation
In our current blog series, Laura and I are taking time to suggest a series of practices that will move us from a posture of lament towards innovation. We began by encouraging one another to take time to lament; to acknowledge the reality of this moment and... by Dan Pyke | Apr 9, 2021 | Leadership Development, Ministry Tools, Team Development, Uncategorized
One of my favourite activities to do with my kids is pitting together new Lego sets, and making new creations from blocks. Recently, as we assembled a larger set, I was reflecting on the earlier steps in the instructions. I noted how the initial steps, although they... by Dan Pyke | Mar 26, 2021 | Leadership Development, Ministry Tools, Team Development, Uncategorized
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been exploring Ephesians, and reflecting on it my quiet time. I’ve been reminded of the book’s value to the church in so many circumstances. As I consider youth ministry, I’ve been keeping in mind Paul’s reminder to “be completely humble...