BLOG Archive
Advent – Embracing the waiting
How someone waits tells you a lot about the person.How you wait tells you a lot about...
How do you lead effectively and slowly at the same time?
Joys and Fears as we Apply “Growing Young” in our Backyard
Everywhere I go lately I mention the book Growing Young by Kara Powell, Jake Mulder, and Brad...
Processing what the United States election means for Canadian Christians
I am clearly not an American. Nor am I someone who has been very engaged in politics either...
When Leaders are Denied Riding Shotgun
This is an adaptation of a devotional I gave recently to a group of Canadian Baptist leaders from...
Neighbouring Month Wrap-Up: THANK YOU!
Following Holy Spirit Nudges
Have you ever felt a strong nudge, seemingly out of nowhere, to do something, talk to someone or...
God is stirring something in Atlantic Canada…do you sense it? This is no time to be tame!
I’m going to try to articulate what God seems to be stirring in Atlantic Canada, for the willing....
Shine Through the Fog
Jacqueline Derrah is our guest blogger today. This is her first time blogging, but you’d never...