by Dan Pyke | Sep 24, 2020 | Parents and caregivers, Uncategorized
This post discusses some examples of how grandparents can intentionally help shape the faith of their grandchildren as well as ways churches can help support grandparents in this endeavour. Today we have a guest who will share on this topic from her own... by Dan Pyke | Aug 27, 2020 | Joining God, Parents and caregivers, Social Issues, Uncategorized
When people ask me my favourite book of the Bible, they’re often surprised when I answer “Leviticus.” At first glance, Leviticus seems like a long 27 chapters of rules that we don’t follow anymore. It can take significant digging to appreciate its beauty and the... by Dan Pyke | Aug 20, 2020 | Leadership Development, Next Generation, Team Development
As leaders, we have incredible opportunity in the midst of the pandemic to lead differently. We have been given the privilege to reimagine how we disciple children, youth, and families. Our patterns of worship can be shifted. It appears that many people in our... by Dan Pyke | Aug 5, 2020 | Leadership Development, Team Development, Uncategorized
Do you remember the story of Narcissus? Walking by a pond one day, Narcissus noticed his reflection. Captivated by the image, Narcissus remained by the water, immobilized. He longed to maintain the image, recognizing that touching the pond or leaving the pond pool... by Dan Pyke | Jul 23, 2020 | Leadership Development
Over the last number of years, I’ve been taking time in January to prayerfully discern a word for the year. It continues to surprise me how God uses these words to prepare me for the year ahead. As I entered 2019, the word God gave me was “Trust.” I had no idea...