by Dan Pyke | May 10, 2022 | Leadership Development, Trellis
Introduction: When my son was in kindergarten, our family moved to our current community. I was starting a new position at a different church, and we ended up moving partway through the school year. He became the “new kid” in a school that welcomed our children... by Dan Pyke | Apr 12, 2022 | Leadership Development, Ministry Tools, Next Generation, Spiritual Formation, Trellis, Uncategorized
As my children have moved through the upper elementary years, they’ve begun taking part in our regional Heritage Fair projects. These projects have been fascinating studies into some of the cultural background of our family. From projects looking at the...
by Dan Pyke | Mar 15, 2022 | Leadership Development, Next Generation, Spiritual Formation, Team Development, Trellis
Nothing seems to break my dog’s heart more than when I leave in the van without him. He loves driving in the van. He knows some of our frequent stops (such as the landfill) and knows that he’ll get a cookie there. (As a family of six living in a... by Dan Pyke | Apr 9, 2021 | Leadership Development, Ministry Tools, Team Development, Uncategorized
One of my favourite activities to do with my kids is pitting together new Lego sets, and making new creations from blocks. Recently, as we assembled a larger set, I was reflecting on the earlier steps in the instructions. I noted how the initial steps, although they... by Dan Pyke | Mar 26, 2021 | Leadership Development, Ministry Tools, Team Development, Uncategorized
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been exploring Ephesians, and reflecting on it my quiet time. I’ve been reminded of the book’s value to the church in so many circumstances. As I consider youth ministry, I’ve been keeping in mind Paul’s reminder to “be completely humble...